Unlock Communication with Speech-Language Pathology for Autism

We build personalized speech therapy plans for your child’s integrated autism care needs. 

Personalized Pediatric Speech Therapy

Does your child experience difficulty communicating, understanding, or interacting with others? Our speech-language pathologists work with your family to evaluate your child’s communication and develop a personalized care plan for their speech and language needs.

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“I had a young client with ASD who, when first beginning speech therapy, could only say a handful of words. His mother joined our sessions and I was able to show her strategies we used during our sessions that she could use to make additional progress at home.

Between our sessions and his mother using speech therapy tactics at home, this child started labeling, requesting, and communicating his wants and needs after just one month of consistent speech therapy sessions. Shortly after, he began combining multiple words into longer phrases.

It has been so rewarding to see this child continue to expand his vocabulary and improve his communication skills, week over week. His mother is grateful to be able to engage with him more deeply and I feel hopeful at how much more we can continue to accomplish in the coming months.”

Expand Your Child’s Ability to Communicate with Speech Therapy

Our Therapists Have Experience Across a Range of Speech and Language Needs, Including:

Expressive and Receptive Language Disorders

With Elemy, your child can start high quality, personalized speech therapy 3x faster than the industry average. Our Care Team handles paperwork and connects with your child’s healthcare providers to streamline their care, giving you meaningful time back with your child.

Get Started Today

— Holly

 • Elemy Speech-Language Pathologist, Tampa, FL

Augmented or Alternative Communication (AAC)

Speech Disorders

Feeding Aversions & Dysphagia

Childhood Apraxia of Speech

Social Skills


Nonverbal Autism

Unlock Improved Speech Today

Faster Access to Speech Therapy